Chiaramonte Gulfi

“...You, Chiaramonte, live in an atmosphere of a fairytale…
you keep the air that makes fragments of sky dream…”-
“Il Balcone della Sicilia", that's what Chiaramonte Gulfi is called, offers a spectacular panoramic view from the Villa Comunale that extends from Etna to the Golfo di Gela. For lovers of museums, the town offers eight of them: five of these and a picture gallery are hosted in the 18th-century Palazzo Montesano: the "Museo dell’Olio", the "Casa Museo Liberty", the "Museo Ornitologico", the "Museo degli Strumenti Etnico Musicali", the "Sotie di Legno” collection, the "Museo Archeologico" and the "Pinacoteca Giovanni De Vita". Further on, near the Arco dell’Annunziata and the Chiesa di San Giovanni Battista, the "Museo del Ricamo e dello Sfilato Siciliano" can be visited. Renaissance, Liberty and Baroque styles are mixed in the palaces and churches. In the vicinity of the cathedral, the "Museo dei Cimeli Storico Militari" and the "Museo d’Arte Sacra" can be added to the visit of the museums.
For those who wish to stay away from the alleys of the historic center, a visit to the "Lupa", one of the surviving "neviere" of Sicily, located in the nearby Monte Arcibessi, is recommended. And to conclude a good dinner with a plate of homemade pasta, like "Cavati", accompanied by Cosacavaddu cheese and a glass of Cerasuolo di Vittoria. | |
The Chiaramonte Gulfi HUB is interested in the "Via dei Laghi" route, and it is the arrival point of stage n°4 from Licodia Eubea (29.7 km and 552 meters of difference in height). From Chiaramonte Gulfi (POINT in Piazza Duomo), the fifth of the stages of the same path then begins, leading to the GATE of Giarratana after 39.5 km and a difference in height of 536 meters.