Monterosso Almo

“You, small oasis, make me dream of landscapes where life erases lines of shadow written on pages of stone.”
Giuseppe Tornatore had every reason to choose Monterosso Almo to shoot many of the scenes of the well-known film "L'uomo delle stelle". In the village, the highest in the Ragusa province defined as a "little green Eden," the atmosphere felt is so authentic to well represent the true and most accurate aspect of ancient Sicily. It's no accident that Monterosso Almo has become part of the "Beautiful Towns of Italy."
In Monterosso, Baroque is common, with monuments such as the Chiesa Madre and the Chiesa di San Giovanni. In the streets of the village and the paths of the countryside, rural scents and flavors mix with the marks left by a millenary history. It's believed that wine, homemade bread, cicerchia, and cavatieddi, which is what the locals eat, as well as a generous nature and a healthy lifestyle, have greatly contributed in making the residents of Monterosso Almo among the longest-lived in Italy.
Biking or hiking are recommended to discover caves and rock complexes like the Grotte dei Santi or the Calaforno hypogeum to the Valle dei Mulini and Monte Casarsa. | |
The HUB of Monterosso Almo is interested in the "La Via dei Laghi" route and is the arrival point of the short stage n° 6 originating from Giarratana (7.9 km and 209 meters of difference in height). From the POINT of Monterosso Almo, located in San Giovanni Square, stage n° 7 starts to reach the POINT of Vizzini, located in Piazza Umberto. 17.4 km with a 314 meters of difference in height.