Licodia Eubea

“Dear friend, I went to the city hall to get the exact date which you want to know: 31 August 1840, Catania. I, on the other hand, thought it was either 2, or 8 September of the same year. So here I am, one week older, but always with great esteem and affection for you.”
Licodia Eubea claims to have been the birthplace of Giovanni Verga, who set there many of his novels. Actually, Verga's uncertain date of birth was registered in Catania on September 2, 1840 but most likely, Giovanni Verga was born on the 29th, 30th or 31st of August 1840 in the district Tiepidi (a municipality of Licodia Eubea), near Vizzini where his family was staying to avoid the plague that was spreading in Catania. In short, this great writer is the heritage of Iblei. The famous duel narrated in Cavalleria Rusticana took place in Cunziria, precisely between a resident of Vizzini and a resident of Licodia Eubea.
Licodia Eubea, an ancient settlement of the indigenous period, was colonized by the Greeks in an encounter between cultures that defined its identity. The village is situated among the hills facing the Dirillo river, which flows into the homonymous lake, an artificial lake and a scenic setting for a beautiful natural environment. In the 12th century, Licodia Eubea gained strategic importance and many nobles settled there, to the point that it was called the "little Palermo".
In the center of Licodia Eubea there are many monuments such as the baroque Chiesa Madre di Santa Margherita, the Vassallo palace decorated with big masks, the Chiesa del Rosario and the Museo Civico, guardian of the history of Licodia Eubea. The panoramic view from the remains of the Castello Santapau is unmissable and spans the many human settlements and necropolises such as the Grotte dei Santi, the necropolis in the Grottealte district and the ancient village in the San Cono district. A bike ride to the Dirillo lake is strongly recommended. |
The Licodia Eubea HUB is interested in the "La Via dei Laghi" route and is the arrival point of stage n° 3 coming from Militello Val di Catania (21km and 340 meters of difference in height). From Licodia Eubea (POINT at the Villa Comunale), stage n° 4 then begins to reach the GATE of Chiaramonte Gulfi located in Piazza Duomo. 29.7km and 552 meters of difference in height.