Il Fiume Cavagrande
OpenRunner ID:
Canicattini Bagni
Canicattini Bagni
Slope max
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The "Fiume Cavagrande'' tour offers a 122 km route divided into five stages with a total difference in height of 2,067 meters.

If you intend to face this route of medium difficulty in one go, it is recommended to divide it into at least three parts in order to enjoy the very suggestive places and breathe the air of the Iblei.

The first one sets off from the liberty of Canicattini Bagni and returns there, at the Ancient Fountain "re canali", after 43 km and 617 meters of difference in height. Those who will cycle with the appropriate calm will have the privilege of admiring the landscape of the quarry and its caves, which view can be enjoyed from the Cavadonna bridge. After the plain, the road of Diego which crosses the Sicilian countryside until Monasteri, the well-known "cyclist road", which leads from
Floridia to Cassibile but with some motor vehicle traffic, is taken. Soon it enters the SP 73 (Traversa del Marchese di Cassibile) and, through the ancient and winding "Strada dei Cugni" you will be able to embrace the hidden wonders in the "Riserva Naturale Cavagrande del Cassibile", the Cava Grande and the suggestive ponds. Having some free time, you can explore the wonders hidden in the natural reserve by following the numerous trails and even take a bath in the clear waters of the Avola lake. 

The second part of the itinerary, after crossing the legendary Bridge of S. Alfano located at the exit from Canicattini Bagni, traversing fields of olive trees and reaching the Anapo Valley, brings us to Palazzolo Acreide with a stop at Cassaro and Buscemi, small baroque pearls of the Val di Noto. In total, it is 43.1 km with 1082 meters of elevation, but it is worth traveling, because the stop in Palazzolo Acreide, the crossroads city of cultures and a UNESCO World Heritage site, will probably be enough to consider spending the night there.

The third part of the itinerary allows you to return to Canicattini Bagni in a relaxing way by crossing the Feudo Bauly. It is only 35.6 km with a difference in height of 368 meters, which is why a stop in Bauly is mandatory. Bauly is a small medieval village transformed into a modern accommodation facility where you can feel the authenticity of Sicily. The Bauly forest, populated by mushrooms and black truffles, invites you to an MTB excursion and a following stop to enjoy the precious meats of the feud.

In general, the roads, all paved, are not very busy, although you should be careful to follow some sections with an imperfect surface. Therefore the ratings for road accessibility and safety for the route are 8.1/10.0.

Itinerario e Tappe

Canicattini Bagni - Canicattini Bagni
Height difference
The stage starts from the GATE in Canicattini Bagni, located in the heart of the historical center, then joins the SP74 until km 5, where it merges into the SR15, or the "cyclists' road" but also frequented by many vehicles. Until Cassibile, the road descends for several kilometers in flatlands. After, we climb up to the Traversa del Marchese and the lonely road of the Cugni, where we must pay attention to the damaged road in some areas. The traffic is almost absent, and the path around the perimeter of the natural reserve is of great charm. At the top, sculpted into the rock, is the emblem of the marquisate of Cassibile. It reaches an elevation of 478 meters above sea level with brief stretches of double digits. The stop at Canicattini Bagni is situated at the liberty fountain "re canali."
Canicattini Bagni - Cassaro
Height difference
Short stage with some difficulty, as at km 57, an altitude of 629 meters above sea level is reached. After crossing the historic bridge of Sant'Alfano, take the SP86 road towards Cugno Case Vecchie. Magnificent olive groves and stone walls line the road in decent
condition, except for an interruption for a landslide at km 50. The passage is guaranteed for bikes. At km 54 you enter the SS124 Siracusana to continue in the direction of Cassaro, along the SP Cassaro-Montegrosso. A series of beautiful turns upwards, starting
from the entrance to the Riserva Valle d’Anapo, finally lead to the POINT in Cassaro located in piazza Matrice.
Cassaro - Buscemi
Height difference
The third stage is considered easy because its shortness, but it is always uphill, and the total of difference in height is 297 meters, until an altitude of 763 meters above sea level just before reaching Buscemi, where the POINT is located next to the Fontana Grande. The traffic is light and the road surface of SS 124 and SP39 is always in good condition. However, there are some problems with the road surface and maintenance of SP7, which will accompany the cyclist for over 7 kilometers.
Buscemi - Palazzolo Acreide
Height difference
Like in stage n°3: few kilometers but a moderate climb, enough to be called an easy route that, through the SP39, SS124, SP23, SP90 and SP24, leads to Palazzolo Acreide from the west side of the city and meets the former Palazzolo-Buscemi railway station.
The road surface is good, and the traffic is moderate, if not very limited in some parts.At the POINT, located at the Teatro Akrai, we reach the highest height of the entire route: 759 meters above sea level. From the Teatro Akrai you can descend to visit the magnificence of the baroque city or, if you have an MTB, to take a panoramic path that leads to the old railway station from which you can take a stretch of the old railway called the "Ciccio Pecora", a Ragusa merchant who exhibited in his store a train toy similar to the one used at the time.
Palazzolo Acreide - Canicattini Bagni
Height difference
The roads that lead from Palazzolo Acreide to Canicattini Bagni are good, but with a few more cars in some stretches, particularly near the two settlements. The only exception is the one found along the SP86 due to the landslide that can be found at km 114. Before entering the path, you will go through the SP24 and the Bauli street, where, at the feudo Bauly, the cyclist can find assistance in case of need. There are no particular difficulties, except for a brief stretch along the SP86. The arrival is at the GATE at the Pro Loco, located in the historical center of the Liberty city.
Canicattini Bagni, Pro Loco
Canicattini, Fontana "Re Canali"
Cassaro, Piazza Matrice
Buscemi, Fontana Grande
Palazzolo Acreide, Teatro Greco