
“Acre and Casmene were founded by the Syracusans: Acre about seventy years after Siracusa, Casmene about twenty years after Acre. The earliest colonization of Camarina is also attributed to the Syracusans, about one hundred and thirty-five years after the foundation of Siracusa; Dascone and Menecolo were named ‘ecisti’."
From the ancient ruins of Akrai, the Greek colony of Casmene and the Necropolis of Pantalica, rises the Village-Museum of Buscemi with its ethnographic itinerary "The Places of Peasant Labor." Founded by the Saracens and immersed in a natural setting of excellence, Buscemi is rich in Baroque churches, among which stand out the Chiesa Madre, the Church of Sant’Antonio da Padova, and that of San Sebastiano. Not far from the Fontana Grande, the ruins of the Requisenz castle.
In Buccheri, the Olio dei Monti Iblei DOP and excellent wine are produced. On the mountains around Buscemi, you can find the necropolis of the Greek colony of Kasmene and others dating back to the Iron Age and the Bronze Age. The miraculous image of the Santa Vergine, which remained intact after the earthquake of 1693 and was found in the forest by two friars, can be admired in the Santuario della the Madonna del Bosco.
www.siracusaturismo.net | www.vivasicilia.com | comunedibuscemi.it
The Buscemi HUB is interested in the "Il Fiume Cavagrande" route and is the end point of stage n°3 coming from Cassaro (11.1 km and 297 meters of difference in height) and the starting point of stage n°4 heading towards Palazzolo Acreide. The latter begins from the POINT located near the Fontana Grande and, after just 9 km but a total of 251 meters of difference in height, arrives at the POINT of the Teatro Greco in Palazzolo Acreide. From Buscemi, an alternative route on the MTB is the beautiful route dedicated to the Beato Pier Giorgio Frassati, which leads to Cassaro.