La Valle dell’Anapo
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The "La Valle dell’Anapo" tour offers a 97 km route divided into three stages with a total difference in height of 1,600 meters. If you intend to face this route of medium difficulty in one go, it is recommended to divide it into at least three parts in order to enjoy the very suggestive places and breathe the air of the Pantalica. 

The first one starts off at Sortino, the east entrance to the Natural Reserve. From the baroque village, hometown of honey
and the well-known pupari, the "Puglisi", you face the provincial road n°29, initially dug into the rock. The road continues to Ferla and reaches 785 meters above sea level at the intersection with provincial road n°10, and then descends to the town, the western gate of Pantalica.

From Ferla, a beautiful and lonely road without end (SR Ferla - Pantalica - Sortino) allows you to immerse yourself in the mysteries and wonders of the Necropolis of Pantalica, so much so that upon reaching the end of the route, a good idea could be to descend on foot to immerse yourself in the refreshing waters of the Calcinara stream, which flows between the high walls of the canyon, and then discover one of the many caves present, starting with the Grotta del Pipistrello. With the return to Ferla the total is of 48.8 km and 896 meters of difference in height and a good dose of beauty to justify a long stop in the beautiful Baroque city where churches are not lacking.

The second part of the trip includes a return to Sortino passing through Cassaro with 48 km of cycling and 704 meters of difference in height.

From Cassaro, climb up and down among olives and carob trees until you reach the Solarino plain, then climb up again to encounter the Anapo valley and the old railway station to reach Sortino. After that, descend towards the eastern gate of the Pantalica where the journey can end, now provided with rich knowledge. The roads used are usually secondary with relatively low traffic. With a few exceptions, their maintenance status is good. The index of accessibility and safety is high with a rating of 8.6/10.0.

For those who have spare time and a MTB, it is recommended to visit Sortino and plan a hiking expedition along one of the most beautiful routes in the Anapo Valley, a unique environment with a path that runs between the Anapo and Calcinara rivers and which combines the beauty of the Pantalica necropolis with the charm of a journey along the abandoned railroad with its tunnels and still visible industrial archaeological artifacts. Due to the presence of multiple gates to be crossed, it is
recommended to visit with an accompanying guide or otherwise obtain prior authorization from the Regional Forest Company.

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Itinerario e Tappe

Sortino - Ferla
Height difference
The stage is not very long, but it has a constant ascent for the entire SP29 until the intersection with the SP10. It reaches an altitude of 785 meters above sea level, and then it descends to 560 meters at Ferla, where the POINT is located at the Church of St.
Antonio Abate. The road is beautiful, safe and panoramic. The traffic of vehicles is rare, except in the areas of the city limits. In F Ferla, it is recommended to take the "Via Sacra" with the bike to be able to visit the five Baroque churches.
Ferla - Cassaro
Height difference
The stage, through the SR11 (Ferla-Pantalica-Sortino), lonely road without end, leads to the entrance of the "Riserva naturale orientata Pantalica" and allows you to immerse yourself in the territory in the suggestible necropolis, and not far from the road, to admire the ruins of the "Anaktoron di Pantalica", a megalithic building known as the "Palazzo del Principe". The return to Ferla is still from the SR11 but with a deviation towards the communal stadium road with an imperfect foundation. From Ferla we take the SP10 towards Cassaro where, in the Piazza Matrice, we find the POINT. From Cassaro also begins the trail dedicated to blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati which, along the valley of the Anapo and thyme, reaches Buscemi. Generally good roads with low vehicle motor traffic.
Cassaro - Sortino
Height difference
The final stage, considered quite challenging, reaches its maximum height of 628 meters at the intersection of SP45 with SS124. For many kilometers, we descend to Solarino, and then we face the plain, with some ascents and descents, until we start the climb that leads to Sortino, where the car race known as the "Cronoscalata Val d'Anapo - Sortino" takes place. The roads are mostly in good condition with limited vehicle traffic. After reaching Sortino, we descend down the valley until we reach the POINT at the entrance of the Nature Reserve – Sortino side. The extraordinary journey has now concluded, but not for those who, equipped with an MTB, want to prolong the experience and immerse themselves even further in the heart of the Necropolis of Pantalica.
Sortino, Piazza Santa Sofia
Ferla, Chiesa di S. Antonio Abate
Riserva Naturale Pantalica - ingresso Ferla
Cassaro, Piazza Matrice
Solarino, Piazza del Plebiscito
Riserva Naturale Pantalica - ingresso Solarino